Monday, February 20, 2012

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

Old school tattoo designs are also called traditional old school tattoo designs or simply traditional tattoo designs. Although new tattoo designs kept coming up, the old school tattoos did not quite disappear from view; they just faded a little into the background. It was the tribal tattoos, Celtic tattoos, etc., that hogged the limelight. However, in the last few years, it the old school tattoos that are gaining popularity all over again, to the point that they are now called as trendy tattoo designs.
Surprisingly, these old school tattoo designs are being adopted by the younger generation more, as compared to the older generation. May be it is the reason, why they have also become ‘trendy’. Previously tattoo designs like grim reaper tattoos, lettering tattoos in the old English letters, etc. were said to be the sole property of certain subculture, but now it is not the same. The main difference, which has come about is the feeling around these tattoo designs. These days, they are worn with a sense of irony. They have now been appreciated for their timeless appeal. Although they are worn in a slightly campy way, they are now valued for the vintage value they carry.

Traditional Old School Tattoo Designs
‘Old school’ tattoos are the tattoos which are traced back to the early days of Western tattooing. There are many designs which fall under this category. These tattoo designs became very popular during the first and the second World Wars, when men in the military went off to the war front. A number of them came back with a souvenir of their military service in the form of a old school tattoo design. This type of tattoo style was popularized by Tattoo Jerry, a famous flash tattoo artist. We will now see the designs, that make up the old school tattoos.

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs

traditional tattoos designs